Even the most sturdy reusable crates and shipping containers could use some extra support. Consider multiple layers of protection—starting from the inside out—to guarantee that your shipment can handle the impact, environmental conditions, and vibration that go hand in hand with shipping.
While most wooden containers and crates are very similar in exterior appearance, it's actually the inside that matters because it’s what provides real protection. Simply placing your goods in a crate without appropriate internal protection can cause your products to be damaged.
Thankfully, Aircraft Crating's packaging team has a number of tested solutions that offer the additional layers needed to protect your goods. Planning the internal bracing will, in fact, streamline your handling time and create an easy-to-use component that can be used over and over again.
The following are five internal packing solutions and how they can improve your packaging.
1. Coatings

Painted containers experience decreased moisture and rain damage. This is a practical way to increase the lifespan of your wood shipping container in harsh environments.
Carpeting or neoprene are low-cost solutions often used to treat surface scratches. The sensitive finishes and materials are protected by applying saddle, blocking, and bracing at the contact points.
Another method of avoiding surface breakage is the truck bed liner. This industrial-resistant coating is directly sprayed onto the wood crate surface and offers long-term durability.
2. Saddles and Tie-Downs

Saddles are custom-made wood or steel structures that are directly connected to the base of the container in order to support your product’s payload during transport. Saddles can be lined with a variety of cushioning products or coatings to help avoid the abrasion of goods while in transit.
Tie-down devices or ratchet straps hold your product in place and can be easily mounted in a wooden crate. Tie-downs in combination with saddles work quite well.
3. Cushioning Products

Poly foam prevents vibration damage and impact shock during transit.
Bubble cushioning is a good solution for the protection of spare parts, glassware, and electronic components.
Loose Fill, or "packing peanuts, quickly fills in and around a shipping box’s contents, providing a protective cushion on all sides. Peanuts are a lightweight alternative to packaging that saves on shipping costs and is sturdy enough for reuse.
4. Blocking and Bracing

Blocking and bracing is the practice of using pieces of wood to strengthen the support of your product in its packaging. Dimensional lumber is custom-sized during a pack job to strategically keep your product in place during transport.
5. Separators

During transport, dividers work to keep products separated inside the crate. Simply put, dividers ensure a comfortable fit for items to avoid being crushed or banged around inside the crate.
Drawers make it easier and more convenient to sort and organize parts, which helps prevent mishandling. They can be particularly helpful when designing trade show crates.